Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happily Ever After!

One upon a time there lived a princess in a place which looked just like heaven. She used to be always sad. World and even God has been mean to her. She used to roam around the lanes of that place of all luxury; still nothing was enough to make her cheer.
One day, a Prince came into her life. He was handsome and charming. But she kept pushing him away, wary of what may happen. The more she pushed him away, the more he was pulled towards her. He kept on persisting, till heavens broke loose. Finally the Princess relented but still there was a hitch.
Her coldness drove him mad. One fine day Prince decided to go to a land far-far away. Far enough from the warmth of her breath; far enough from the comfort of her touch; far enough from the pain of her disinterest. No sooner the Prince left, than the Princess felt weak. She realized that though she has been sad before, it was the first time she really cried. That night, she dreamt of the Prince. She slept peacefully for the first time in years.
She wanted to meet the Prince badly. She ran all the way to the land far-far away. She ran through the rivers, up the hills, braved the rough weathers and treacherous jungles. She finally met him once again. She cried and cried and cried, till oceans felt shy. He held her into his arms. She felt alive again. He too gave a silent tear.
And they lived happily ever after!
Image Courtesy:

How Santa found Happiness!

A little girl prayed to Santa, “Santa I don’t ask for much, please just make my loved ones happy”. Saying this, she slept.
After listening to her request, Santa went across the world looking for happiness. He went to Malls and shopping complexes; Mountain tops to depths of oceans; from heaven to hell. He couldn’t find happiness anywhere. Exhausted Santa sat down panting.
He scratched his head. Nothing! He then went to his best pal, Jesus. Buddy, a silly little girl has troubled me. Now where am I supposed to find happiness? Jesus smiled. Took out a gift, all wrapped up, out of his pocket. Inside it lies happiness, said he. Relieved Santa took it and delivered it to everyone she wished.
I just opened my gift. There was a mirror. I saw my face in it. Happiness is inside me. Happiness is inside everyone one of us! And we spend our whole life searching for it.
Happy happiness!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

मैं हाय सौदागर बन न सका

प्रेमी में कहा प्रेमिका से, कि वफ़ा न दिया, वफ़ा को मेरे ऐ जालिम,
फिर भी दिल यह मेरा, तेरे लिए धड़कता क्यों है?
प्रेमिका बोली, यह कोई अनबूझ पहेली नहीं, सुलझा न जिसको सकता तू,
क्यों देती मैं साथ तेरा, जब तू खुद से ही बदल गया,
तू लाता था हर दिन गुलाब मुझे, गुलदस्ता कब से खाली है,
दिखाता था मुझको ख्वाब नए, किस्मत भी कितनी साली है।
क्या सौगातों का मोह था यह, मुझसे तूने ना प्यार किया,
हीरे मोती, का मोल तुझे, आह मेरी तू सुन न सकी,
जेब से था मैं थोड़ा तंग, गुलदस्ता कैसे भर पाता,
फ़ाके कितने देखे मैंने, कितना तुझको बतलाता?
तंगी जो आयी तुझपे थी, उससे मुझे है क्या लेना,
मैं आज कल की लड़की हूँ, न हूँ कोई जूलिएट मैं,
गहने श्रृंगार सबका है दाम, कैसे मुझे दिलवाता,
तेरे जैसे कंगले पे, मेरा दिल कैसे टिक पाता?
तेरी याद मैं पीता हूँ, तेरे साथ की चाह मुझे,
तू पर कितनी जालिम है, हृदय है या पत्थर है?
मुक्ति ही मुझको दे दे, सांस को तूने छीन लिया,
सौदा ये था लिए तेरे, मैं हाय सौदागर बन न सका।।


तेज बारिश के साथ उस रात तूफ़ान भी जोरों पे था| एक तो बारिश से पूरा बदन भीग चूका था ऊपर से हवा के कारण कुद्कुड़ी बंधे जा रही थी|“मुझे भी आज ही छतरी घर भूल के आनी थी|”, वो बडबडा हुआ जा रहा था| अपने दिल को ही बहला रहा था वो| छतरी जार जार हो घर के किसी कोने में पड़ी थी| “अगली तनख्वाह से पहले एक रेनकोट खरीदूंगा|” मुंबई की बारिश से बचना आसान नहीं होता| उसने कुछ सोचा और जल्दी-जल्दी कदम बढ़ाने लगा| कल से सब ठीक हो जाएगा, कल से|
वो रात को फैक्ट्री से ओवर-टाइम करके लौट रहा था| चार बच्चों की परवरिश आसान नहीं होती| बीवी फिर पेट से थी| इस बार लड़का हो जाए, तो गंगा नहाऊँगा| पिछले ५ साल यही सोच रहा था वो| इस बार लड़का नहीं हुआ तो दूसरी शादी पक्की| माँ नें बुथिया की लड़की देख रखी थी| लंगड़ी है वो, पर वारिस तो दे ही देगी| न तो पहली बीवी दहेज़ लायी थी, न वारिस ही दे पायी है। उफ़ ये बारिश भी रुकने का नाम ही नहीं लेती।
सोचते सोचते कब सड़क पर से ध्यान हटा पता ही चला। बस एक रौशनी सी दिखी और उसके बाद अंधकार छा गया। जब आँखें खुली तो कुछ अजीब सा लगा। कौन सी जगह थी यह? सर भी भारी सा था। “होश आ गया, होश आ गया“, कुछ चहल कदमी सी होने लगी। पास में बैठी औरत रोने लगी। मैं २ साल से कोमा में था।
सबने उम्मीद छोड़ दी थी। नहीं छोड़ी थी तो बस इस पागल औरत और मेरी ४ नन्ही परियों ने। वही जिसको मैं छोड़ने कि सोच रहा था, २ साल पहले उस काली रात में। वही जिनके पैदा होने कि मुझे कभी ख़ुशी न हुई थी। २ साल से मेरी सेवा कर रही हैं। आज मैं जीवित हूँ सिर्फ इनकी वजह से।
यही मेरी धरोहर हैं, यही मेरी वारिस हैं।

Helplessness of the Third Kind

I wrote this piece some 2 years back. Don’t remember the mood I was in.
Helplessness is described by Oxford dictionary as, a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. Let us concentrate on the two words powerlessness and failure. Was the failure because of the powerlessness or did powerlessness set in due to failure?
The thing that make us sad, if keeps on repeating, turn us immune. Living under constant uncertainty and doubt tends to make us powerless. It leads us to question everything in life. The confidence goes for a toss. Helplessness arises out of the persistent fear of failure in avenues which are out of our hands. When we can’t decide outcome of things that are not under our control, we are left with nothing but punching the walls.
I always believed and followed the funda of pre-empting such situations. I used to divert myself much before. Coz once I get sucked into it, I will feel powerless and nothing I do will make it better. I have always taken pride in my pre-judging a situation and ability to take preventive measures.
However you can bask in self-glory only so much. I used to chastise my friends for not pre-empting and for letting themselves sucked into. I never understood why they did what they did. I recently understood and how! They let themselves knowingly into a no-win situation backed up by their confidence and sheer hope. Confidence that no matter what, they will find a way and Hope that everything will turn out to be fine.
To an extent hope is good, but beyond a certain limit, it is nothing but foolishness and will destroy you eventually. Better to take things head on, find a solution or move away. Just because you committed yourself into something does not mean you have to stick by it, even if it’s killing you. Being practical is not everyone’s cup of tea but sometimes it’s exactly what is required.

Can I?

Strange feeling engulfs,
Highs low, more lulls,
Someone come find me,
Am feeling lost, am I?
Pinch me, no pain,
All waste, no gain,
Reasons pretty plain,
Can’t understand, but why?
Tried to speak, silence,
Calmness needed, violence,
How to aim, distance,
Tried not, should cry?
Paining feet,
No truth, cheat,
Race to beat,
Running away, fly?
Thoughts stopped,
Ideas flopped,
Flows clogged,
Rivers dry.
No end in sight,
Gloom ponders, light,
Where has gone might,
One last fight, try?
Hands covering face,
Hop Hop, no pace,
Up the sleeve ace,
Frantic search, can I?
Junglee Billi

तुमसे मिलके

मिलके तुमसे लगा ऐसा मुझे,
जैसे जीवन ये बे-मतलब नहीं,
एक झलक में कुछ ऐसा सुकून,
पूरे दिन फिर मैं थकता नहीं|
जिनके जवाब में ढूंढता था,
उन प्रशनों के मायने नहीं,
एक अजब सी शांति छाई,
जैसे मुक्ति कोई मैंने पायी|
तेरा मुस्कराना, नीदें उड़ाना,
नीदें उड़ाकर, बनना मासूम,
आज मुझे कुछ होश नहीं,
है किसीका इसमें दोष नहीं|
आँखें, पलकें, नज़रें, झलकें
मैं खुद पे कैसे काबू पाऊँ,
होठ गुलाबी, चाल शराबी,
कलपुर्जे मेरे, आई खराबी,
चाँद सितारे क्या चीज़ हैं,
मैं सूरज को गर्मी सिखलाऊँ,
एक बार बोल दे बस जो तू,
मैं खुद से भी बेगां हो जाऊं|
तेरा इठलाना हमें भा गया,
मुस्कराना तेरा गजब ढा गया
उलझी सुलझी जुल्फें तेरी,
यही लगे बस दुनिया मेरी,
आखें बंद करूं, बस तू दिखे,
बिन तेरे, सब फीका लगे,
मेरा दिल क्यों है बेकरार
क्या यही होता प्यार?

हॉस्टल की यादें

सुट्टे का धुंआ, पसरा था हर ओर,
नशे की चुप्पी, न होता कोई शोर,
किस राह चलें, क्यों सोचें हम,
हॉस्टल, दोस्त, मस्ती हरदम|
ठहर जाता था वक़्त, आकर वहां,
वो धरती, आसमान, वही सारा जहाँ,
खेले कूदे, लड़े झगड़े, सब वहां,
किसने कहा जन्नत नहीं होती यहाँ|
वो किला था हमारा, हम सिपह:सलार,
सजती थी महफ़िल, लगता दरबार,
औरत जात का आना मना है इधर,
हर दीवार पर यही लिखा था उधर,
पहली बार का जश्न, जोरदार,
पहली हार का मातम, खूंखार,
किताबों की जली होली, मज़ा,
छुट्टी में घर जाना लगती थी सज़ा|
मारपीट की नौबत, कुछ कहा हो,
किसीने हॉस्टल के खिलाफ, जो,
हो जाते सब तयार, जान देने को,
जब उसकी इज्ज़त ताक पर हो|
वहीँ सब सीखा, वहीँ सब किया,
वहां नहीं रहा, तो क्या ही जिया,
हॉस्टल की ज़िन्दगी न हूँ भुला पाता,
न चाहते हुए भी ख्याल है आ जाता||


बकता हूँ मैं दिन औ रात,
आखिर इतना बकता क्यूँ हूँ,
सुनाई बस यही देता है,
पकपक पकपक पकपक पकपक|
एक ही बात दिन ब दिन,
आखिर नहीं मैं थकता क्यूँ हूँ,
कहते हैं सब, बंद कर अपनी,
कचकच कचकच कचकच कचकच|
एक बार जो बात हुई, सो हुई,
सौ सौ बार उसको करता क्यूँ हूँ,
समझ में बस इतना आता है,
भकभक भकभक भकभक भकभक|
दोहरा दोहरा, तिहरा तिहरा
बात की बात ही खत्म हुई,
बात में बस जो बात बची, वो थी,
पटपट पटपट पटपट पटपट|
पहले तो फिर भी सुनते थे जो,
कान बंद किये उन्होंने भी,
उनको भी अब लगने लगा था,
खटखट खटखट खटखट खटखट|
अब तो मैं खुद भी तंग आ चुका,
बेइज्जती अपनी करवा करवा कर,
मुझको भी अब सुनने लगा है,
बसकर बसकर बसकर बसकर|
चुप हो जाना चाहता हूँ मैं,
गुम हो जाना चाहता हूँ मैं,
चाहता हूँ मैं जीना फिर से,
मरकर मरकर मरकर मरकर||

एक से दस

एक भैंस चोरी हो गयी,
दो लोगों पर शक हुआ,
तीन दिन बाद बैठक बैठी,
चार चतुर चौपाल पे बुलाये गए,
पांच पंचों ने फैसला किया,
छः गज ज़मीन खोदी गयी,
सात दिन तक दोनों को गाड़ा गया,
आठ घरों की तलाशी हुई,
नौ मन तेल न मिला, न राधा नाची,
दस का दम दिखाते तो भैंस मिल जाती||

ऐसा कोई पल

उसने मुझसे पूछा, बता ऐ साथी,
जो तू न भूला, ऐसा कोई पल,
जिस लम्हे की याद तुझे है आती,
उस हसीन राह तू ज़रा चल|
मैं सोच में पड़ा, क्या कहूं,
कहाँ से दूं, उत्तर मैं तुझे,
ज़िन्दगी टटोलूं, कभी झांकूं,
पर वो पल, न मिले मुझे|
आश्चर्य की है बात, हर दिन,
हम जीतें हैं पल कुछ हज़ार,
पर जब कोई कहता है गिन,
बेबस हो जाते, लगते लाचार|
असल में जीवन काटते बस,
पर जीते कभी नहीं हैं हम,
हँसते हैं, जब कोई बोलता हँस,
चाय पीते, वो भी चीनी कम|
मैंने कभी नहीं सहेजे वो पल,
कभी रूककर उन्हें नहीं पकड़ा,
सोचूँ कल, आज और कल,
मजबूरियां ने मुझे था जकड़ा|
इसी तरह जिए, इसी तरह जायेंगे,
न होंगी अपनी दो-चार यादें भी,
सपने भी नहीं अच्छे कभी आयेंगे,
जिंदगी बस उम्मीद के भरोसे की|
शायद तू ही है साकी, जिसका,
था इंतज़ार मैंने किया अबतक,
मुझे नहीं मालूम, पता उसका,
पर यादों को रोकूँ कबतक||

वो पगला

सब कहते थे वो पगला है,
नकारा है, एक झल्ला है,
मत उससे मिल, रहना दूर,
सपने सारे हो जायेंगे चूर|
सब कहते थे, आवारा है,
सागर का नहीं किनारा है,
कुछ ना मिलता है इस ओर,
दुःख से रात, दर्द से भोर|
सब कहते थे, वो फ़ोकट है,
जेब में नहीं है एक भी नोट,
क्या खायेगा, क्या खिलायेगा,
खुद हंसेगा, तुझे रुलाएगा|
सब कहते थे, वो बे-दिल है,
प्यार क्या है, नहीं जानता,
जब टूटेगा दिल, तब रोएगी,
पाया है कुछ, ज्यादा खोएगी|
सब कहते थे, तू सुनती थी,
बस सुनती थी, न हरती थी,
सब कहते रहे, बस कहते गए,
तू ख्वाब बुनती रही नए|
माना कि वो थोड़ा पगला है,
नकारा है, एक झल्ला है,
पर उससे न रह पाऊँ में दूर,
अब चाहे सपने ही हों चूर|
सबको लगता वो आवारा है,
सागर नहीं, प्यार का फव्वारा है,
जो कुछ है, वो है इस ओर,
उसी से रात, उसी से भोर|
राजे महाराजे क्या खुश थे,
पैसे से प्यार का क्या है तोल,
रूखा सूखा खा जी लेंगे,
संग हंस लेंगे, संग रो लेंगे|
बे-दिल वो नहीं, दुनिया है,
उसने तो सच्चा प्यार किया,
दिल टूटे अब, या कुछ हो,
पाने खोने का नहीं है मोह|
जब तक तू है साथ मेरे,
दुनिया से लड़ने का है दम,
सब कितना ही अब कहते रहें,
यह प्यार नहीं होगा कुछ कम||

Friday, December 13, 2013

India likes Modi, Diaspora hates him?

A lot of has been written about Modi over the last decade or so. A decade which has been one of the most exciting of recent times! It is not just mere coincidence that Modi has grown over the Urban India over the decade which has witnessed humongous growth rate. Given the pan-India appeal that Modi enjoys, it has always been a mystery to me why he has not been able to win over Indian Americans?
Why is the Indian American lobby so strong against Modi that he is not even allowed entry to US? Given that nothing moves in US sans lobby-ism, I am forced to take this giant leap in assumption that most of (if not all), affluent American Indian diaspora is anti-Modi (Or pretends to be).
Urban India stands shoulder to shoulder with Indian Diaspora on most topics. Then why this divide? My reasoning might not cut corners with many, but let me lay it out.
Urban India is full of aspiration and high hopes. People want Modi coz he has come up as a symbol of good administration. People feel he can relieve them of corruption and inflation.
Indian Diaspora, especially Indian Americans, is already living the Great India Dream. Their life is more or less shielded from corruption and inflation in India. Thus Modi’s appeal to them is limited. The sins of Godhra seem more prominent. They might feel at loss of words when civilized world questions them about the carnage. They feel better to go with the flow and side with the other and criticize him.
They are virtually forced to go hammer and tongs after him. Who cares about India’s development? Indian Diaspora is affluent, has lots of properties across India and is full stomach.
I am no Modi fan, but have to acknowledge that Urban/Semi-urban and of-late even Rural India has taken a liking to him. They think he can put some more food on their plate. They are ready to forget his old sins for their betterment.
Both sides can be called selfish. Well maybe that’s the common ground amidst the divide!

Monday, December 9, 2013


एकटकी लगाये दूर कहीं,
बैठा रहता हूँ दिन-दिन मैं,
कहाँ से जाने आ धमका,
जीवन में इतना असमंजस|
है सोच वही, न कोई नयी
बातें भी वही बस घिसी-पिटी
दोहरा के कहीं, दोहरा के कहीं,
जीवन में बसरा असमंजस|
सुबह को उठा, रात सोया,
रहता हूँ कुछ खोया खोया,
माथे पे शिकन, सीने में चुभन,
जीवन में उलझा असमंजस|
जिस रात से प्यार हुआ था कभी,
वो रात काली लगती है मुझे,
ख्वाब दुस्वप्न में कब बदले,
जीवन में सोचूँ असमंजस|
हर हवा सुहानी लगती थी,
हर महक दीवानी लगती थी,
क्यूँ सांस भी न अब ले पाऊँ.
जीवन में छाया असमंजस|
उन पलों में जाने अटका क्यूँ,
जो बीत चुके हैं जीवन के,
कैसे पर इनसे लड़ पाऊँ,
जीवन में आया असमंजस|
कभी हुआ नहीं यह पहले था,
इसलिए अजीब सा लगता है,
कब तक सोचेगा, अब बस कर
जीवन तो है ही असमंजस||

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Judiciary exceeding the mandate?

Recently Indian Home Minister lamented that Judiciary is taking over governance and not letting Executive and Legislature work. In fact we have heard the same from a lot of politicians of late.
The argument that is given is, “Policies and Governance should be left to elected representatives”. To quote our Home Minister, “They may govern India badly, they may govern India well, but they will govern. If they govern India badly, the people will throw them out. If they govern India well, people would reward them”. Sounds convincing, right?
But herein where the problem lies! Judiciary was made independent and subjected to constitution for a very important reason; to put in checks and balances. Just being “elected representative” should not make someone supreme for the next five years.
If judiciary has gained upper hand, it is because of the blatant scams and corruption the Executive and Legislature have indulged in. Just because courts are putting corrupt parliamentarians behind the bars, it doesn’t mean judiciary is putting parliament behind bars.
Just because Judiciary is asking to provide better life to the people, it doesn’t mean it is over-reaching the mandate. Just because Judiciary is asking questions, it doesn’t mean that it is wrong.
I disagree with you Mr. Minister. Apex Court is the only reliable institution left out of the Trinity.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Obama 2.0

When a certain Mr. Kejriwal stormed the Indian political scene, my wait was over. This wait dates back to when Mr. Obama was elected the runaway President of world’s leading democracy. More than his deeds, it was his gift of gab that nailed it. A certain slogan, plummeting economy, and need for change. That’s all what was needed.
I wondered will it be ever possible in a country like India, where majority of the rural India, still owes its allegiance to Nehru, Indira or Vajpayee. Just then we saw the emergence of a new force. City-State of Delhi was the perfect playground for this experiment.
A need for change, heaps of corruption and an innovative election symbol was all what was needed. Whatever be the election results tomorrow, my wait has ended.
I have been critical of Obama as for me he never rose above his speeches. Will Mr. Kejriwal can go any further is a question only time can answer.
But what I like about all this is, Democracy’s true color has come out in India. If you can talk well, sky is yours!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dumb and Beautiful

Disclaimer: Below article is written just for humor. It relates to no factual basis. Writer has utmost love for all the women.
“You all IIT guys are the same. You just want a wife who is beautiful and dumb”, snapped a lady friend. None of the guys there tried to contradict her. We just chuckled, coz she was so bang on!
In fact all guys are same in this regard. At least pathetic guys like me (which are all of us). But don’t women too have certain type-casted guidelines when it comes to men; Rich and Smart. I haven’t found a single girl who wishes to marry and dumb and poor guy.
It’s just animal tendency borne out of evolution. Even animals have certain guidelines for their mates. I think beautiful comes out of attractiveness which in turn would make you mate more resulting in more kids. Darwin at work! Dumb relates to fewer arguments in marital life and in turn, a peaceful and long life.
I take it as a compliment that I am smart enough to understand the importance of dumbness and beauty. But as they say too much of everything leads to diabetes. So is the case here. Too much beauty requires high maintenance. Too much dumb leads to un-compatibility coz of total lack of understanding.
I think the mix of beauty and dumbness that one can handle varies from person to person. That’s what we should look for in a girl. How much beauty/dumb mix can we handle. Every guy has his own measure. Hence every guy has his own match!

Friday, November 29, 2013

बेक़सूर दिल

कभी इधर, कभी उधर,
भटकातीं है मन मेरा,
सब गलतियां करती हैं हूर,
दिल का मेरे क्या कसूर।
खुद ने दिया इतना प्यार,
बाँट बाँट के थका हूँ मैं,
पर ख़त्म नहीं होता सुरूर,
दिल का मेरे क्या कसूर।
दुनिया ने किया बदनाम मुझे,
तितलियाँ पकड़ता तो बचपन से था,
ठरकी थोड़ा मैं था ज़रूर,
दिल का मेरे क्या कसूर।
आँखों से खिची चली आयीं,
इशारों तक बात नहीं आयी,
पर कभी मैंने न किया गुरूर,
दिल का मेरे क्या कसूर।
चाह नहीं, ठहराव नहीं,
रुका नहीं मैं किसके लिए,
अपनी धुन में रहता मगरूर,
दिल का मेरे क्या कसूर।
मैखाने के पैमाने से,
कुछ कसर नहीं रखी बाकी,
आखिर कुछ तो बहकेगा,
इसमें दिल का मेरे क्या है कसूर।।

Sunday, November 24, 2013

जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार

न भूला मैं वो आखों का दीदार,
सकपकाहट औ सकुचाहट वो,
दबी सी हँसी, सीने पे वार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो उड़ती जुल्फें,
पलछिन करती सी पलकें,
सारी रात रहा बेकरार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो अंगुलियां,
दबोचे थे बाल जिससे मेरे,
हाथ ना आये, खाली वार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो लाली,
जो लबों पे छायी थी तेरे,
उसी पल गया था दिल को हार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो नयन तेरे,
कजरारे से, शरमाते से,
तपस्या मेरी करी तार-तार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो बातें तेरी,
जो मुझसे कर न पाती थी,
रहा है मुझे तबसे इंतज़ार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
न भूला मैं वो इठलाना तेरा,
जो मन मेरा मचला जाता था,
हारा मैं मती, बन गया गवार,
जब मिली थी तुम पहली बार।
ऐसा ही रहे, न भूलूँ मैं,
तेरा एहसास, तेरी हर सांस,
जब देखूं तुझे, लगे मुझे ऐसा,
कि मिली हो तुम पहली बार।।

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Worship Oneself: 330 million Gods

330 million. The number of Gods in Hindu mythology. It has always intrigued me. Who came up with this number? Why it is not 340 million or 350 million? Why is has to be 330 million?
I have been doing a bit of reading on this of late. I have not really understood the rationale behind this number. The only interpretation is that it represents infinity (a very large number). It is said that we do not have 330 million Gods, but 330 million gods. There is only one God, the unison of Holy Trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. All other are demi-gods, who themselves worship God.
This very large number is used to represent that Hinduism believe everything is created by God and thus is divine. So everything we see (living/non-living) is divine. We worship all. Thus there is no concept of devil in Hinduism. As devil himself would have to be created by God and would thus be divine. In fact you will find that Shiva never differentiated between even good and bad people. Anyone who did tapasaya was granted avar. It led to even Shiva being threatened once, when he gave an Asura power to kill anybody and that Asuratried to kill Shiva himself.
Hence there is freedom in Hinduism to worship anything and anyone. We worship cows, sun, moon, flowers, stone, water etc. The list is endless. Thus all the egoists, who worship themselves, do nothing wrong. We are created by God and are ourselves divine. Self-worshipping not only takes less time buy also saves money.

Sachin’s Jersey No. 10

I have seen re-runs of last moments of Mumbai Test a dozen times already. Sachin’s farewell speech, weeping stadium, lap of honor, Sachin taking pitch’s blessing. It has all been a bit surreal. Unfortunately like million others, I couldn’t procure the tickets to the stadium, and I am sure it will haunt me for lifetime.
What is it that takes Sachin head and shoulders above the rest? Why we say that there can be no other Sachin? Well it originates from being a one man army. Before Sachin, Indians just watched cricket. With the advent of Sachin, Indians watched cricket to win. Sachin’s popularity stems from knocks like Sandstorm, Chennai Test, Hero Cup last over and innumerable others. Sachin had already earned eternal space even before 2000’s.
Yes, it was the 90’s that made Sachin God. When the inept teammates used to abjectly surrender, Sachin was there to steer through to win. When major players around him were selling matches, Sachin was the one who took it upon himself to see India won. 2000’s was when India started reaping benefits of what Tendulkar sowed. A generation of cricketers came who has seen Sachin’s bravery and was modeled upon him. Since 2000 there have been many who did match Sachin but were all “after the fact”. None had the originality, charisma or longevity of Sachin.
Legends are born out of adversity. But for 17/5, would Kapil Dev’s knock be the same? But for fixing scandal and all time low for Indian cricket, would Ganguly’s captaincy be equally revered? But for knack of losing finals, would Dhoni’s calmness that won us number of series, be so much talked about?
Since balance needs to be maintained. Sometimes I think, But for inept teammates of 90’s, would Sachin be the same? I think, 10 on Sachin’s jersey stood for the 10 teammates whom Sachin had to carry on his back to take India to victory.

Sachin’s Fan(atic)’s

The unique thing about Sachin is that everyone has an opinion about him. Such has been his presence that no one is left untouched. Maybe be that’s why he is regarded to be God. Though Sachin himself has said, “I am no God. God don’t make mistakes. I do“.
There is a common thing about highly revered personalities. It is the barrage of fans. Be it Gandhi, Mandela, Bradman earlier, Or Obama, Modi, Sachin in today’s times. Each one have/had huge number of people who followed them and revered them.
We don’t realize when this fan-hood turns into devotion which turns into fanaticism. Just try saying anything against Gandhi, Modi, Sachin and you would understand what I mean. You would be ganged upon and berated and made to wish that God wouldn’t have given you a tongue in the first place.
Fans are earned by hard work. And such fanatic fans are earned by hard work over a long period of time. Sometime these fans tend to go overboard. They end up giving bad names to their Hero. Modi fans demanding scalp of anyone and everyone who say anything against him, are doing bad for his image. They just don’t get it. So are Sachin fans.
I remember a conversation with a Belgian who had read a lot about Gandhi and was a great fan. We started discussing about Gandhi’s personal life. I told him few things that I didn’t like in Gandhi’s personal life. This guy felt offended and saw a devil in me for saying so. He ended up saying few things to me which I am sure Gandhi would have never said himself.
Sachin is/was always open to criticism. This is what makes him a Hero. His fans on the other hand are not open to any criticism. It takes away some sheen off Sachin and reflects badly on him. Sachin himself hasn’t spoken ill of anybody. His fans should follow the same if they are his real fans.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


हवा का झोंका मध्यम-२,
अपने संग ले कुछ उड़ा,
एक गुलाबी पंखुड़ी सा,
फूल नहीं वो ख़त था तेरा।
खिड़की थी खुली हुई ऐसे,
बंद भी न मैं कर पाया,
फुर्ती से तो लपका मैं,
पर कम्बख्त उड़ता ही गया।
पढने को खोला भी न था,
देख-२ ही आहें भर पाया,
थोड़ी देर तो पीछे दौड़ा मैं,
पड़ा खुला मैदान भारी पर।
इतने दिन की आँख मिचोली,
एक चुरायी हुई हसीं,
दिया अचानक मुझको ख़त,
तूने जाने के आखरी दिन।
ख़त के साथ पता भी गया,
ढूंढूंगा तुझको कैसे अब,
किसी पराये शहर मैं,
यही सोच-२ के बैठा हूँ।
पर शायद अच्छा ही हुआ,
परदेसी से प्यार नहीं टिकता,
इस बात से ही खुश हो लूँगा,
आखिर तूने ख़त तो लिखा॥

Friday, September 20, 2013

औ मैं सो जाऊं

निकला था मंजिल की ओर,
अच्छा हो रास्ता खो जाऊं,
एक चाह अधूरी हो पूरी,
हो अँधेरा औ मैं सो जाऊं॥
हैं थकी थकी आँखें मेरी,
औ फटी फटी सी बातें हैं,
पूछ-२ पता मैं त्रस्त हुआ,
न ही मिले, अब यही दुआ॥
जब खाने को हो फ़क्त हवा,
औ पीने को आंसूं न कम हौं,
थर-२ कर काँपे देह मेरी,
चाहे भट्टी सी गरमाई हो॥
नाम ख़ाक, काहे की साख,
झुका के सर, औ कटा नाक,
केशों में रेंगती जूं भी अब,
मेरा लहू पीने से बचती है॥
देखा था सपना जो कभी,
बस धुंधला सा याद आता है,
ताश के पत्तों से बने महल,
क्या हवा का झोंका सह पाए?
जन्नत हैं जाना सब चाहते,
ऐसा हो जहन्नुम मैं जाऊं,
एक चाह अधूरी हो पूरी,
हो अँधेरा औ मैं सो जाऊं॥

Saturday, September 7, 2013

BCCI and SA: Friendship Gone Wrong

Media reports concerning the divide between India and South Africa cricket boards have left me to wonder a thing of two about friendship. Ever since Gandhi happened, the two countries have remained close. Be it politics or cricket. What happened? How did things go sour?
Friendship is based on mutual trust and affection. I expect my friend to stand by me through thick and thin. I don’t expect my friend to judge me and side with the world to throw bricks at me. I expect my friend to be by my side, protecting me from those bricks. If my friend betrays me, the vengefulness is extreme.
I am not justifying either BCCI or SA cricket board. I am trying to find a reason what went wrong and how? It’s a known fact that Mr. Lorgat is not very much liked by BCCI. Just as SA board has every right to appoint him as its head, BCCI has every right not to like him. Once SA board sided with BCCI’s enemy, there was no going back. Would I like if my friend sides with the one who I share mistrust with? Wouldn’t I feel hurt?
As to the reasons for the mistrust between Mr. Lorgat and BCCI, I am no insider. But what has followed is the retribution. “Now you pay my friend for choosing my enemy over me”, seems to be the tone. Personally, I am not the one to hit back. I would simply severe all relations with this so called friend and move on with my life. But with cricket boards it’s not that simple. They have to deal with each other. So the best way is to confirm to the mandatory commitments and no go overboard.
BCCI is smart enough to know that. By shortening the time period of the tour, it is inching towards the minimum requirement of FTP (Future Tours Program) of the ICC, which I read is 2 Tests and 3 ODIs. Anything above that is for a friend. SA cricket board has to bear it for now. It too can reciprocate the same mandatory commitment when time comes.
Sad part is that a friendship of 20 years is in trouble and that my friend is not good.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Love and Rage: Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Yesterday night I was watching rerun of an episode of Alfred Hitchcock presents, a suspense TV series of the old. The story brought myriad of emotions in me. I felt compelled to narrate it in my own words to get some closure.
The story started with a woman of around thirty lying on a bed with a bandaged hand, too weak to get up, in a dimly lit room. She tried to remember where she was, but couldn’t. She then tried to account for what happened last. “Yes, I was waiting for Jack”, she got a bit of smile back thinking of him.
Jack came home and she fixed him a drink. She was feeling a bit tensed and anxious while holding the drink, Why? Oh yes, she was an alcoholic and have been off drink for some time. The Craving. But for his sake, she fought hard. “Darling lets go to a party tonight”, he said, taking her in his arms. “A party you said, but with all the people, all the drink around? I feel scared”. “I am sure you will be fine”, he assured her.
They entered the party. He had some urgent work with the hostess and went in to the study with her. She was feeling so scared and lonely in that room full of people, trying to resist the craving. But why was her hand bandaged? She still could not remember. A stranger offered her a drink but she declined. Where is Jack? What is he doing with her? Just then Jack came out arms in arms with the hostess. Something happened then, What was it? Yes, she threw a drink at the hostesses face, and then ran out crying.
Jack knocked at the door. He would be so angry. But he was not. “I am worried for you Martha, coz I love you”. “You love me after all what I have done today?” “Yes I love you dearly”. “Oh Jack, my Jack, I am sorry for everything. When I see you with other women, I can’t control it. And while resisting all that drink. I think I will go mad. What would all those people be thinking about you at the party? Let’s go back and undo the damage”. He smiled and they kissed. “Let’s get married”, he proposed. She was so happy.
How come she ended up in this dark room? “Nurse”, she called out. They went back to the party. He was having a conversation with the hostess and another woman. She went out to the balcony for some fresh air. The stranger came back. He turned out to be the brother of the hostess. “You see my sister over there with that man. She loves him like anything”. The rage came back. “She loves him, but they say, he is in love with another woman.” She blushed. “A woman, who they say is an alcoholic. The worst kind”, he went on. “They say it won’t be long before she goes back to her ways and he comes running to my sister”.
It was all true, isn’t it?. She needed a drink now. The craving was back. She gulped a double martini. After a couple of shots, she said, “Let’s go bar hopping”. Don’t know what took over her. They went from bar to bar, drinking like anything. She was in a mess. Jack came looking for her along with the hostess. She will take him away. She will take him away. Jack tried to hold her, but she was in a violent rage. “Leave me alone, I tell you, Leave me alone”, she threw herself around. Jack was not able to hold her. She fell down, broke the glass she was holding and hurt her hand. The reason for the bandage. There she was lying with a bloodied hand, pieces of glass and spilled drink. Jack bent down to pick her up.
A nurse entered the room. She felt less scared. “Nurse I am feeling better now. I want to leave the hospital”. Nurse looked amused, “You can’t leave lady. This isn’t exactly a hospital.” “What is this place then?” she asked confused. “Well this is the city jail”. “What???? Why am I here?” “You killed a man yesterday night, slit his throat with a piece of glass. A man named Jack Simmons”.
She felt like something ripped her from inside. She tried to cry but voice stopped in the tracks.

Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobara: The Dialoguebaazi

I saw Once upon a Time in Mumabi Dobara recently. Unlike the reviews I have been hearing, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was indeed what a movie should be, A Fantasy. The Dialoguebaazi, Song, Dance and what not. After a long time I was able to recite dialogues after the movie ended. Dil Chahta Hai, though an awesome movie, was the final nail in the dialogues of the old. OUATIMD, brought it all back.
Peene ki capacity, Jeene ki strength, Account ka balance aur Naam ka kahuf…kabhi bhi kam nahin hona chahiye. (Capacity to drink, Strength to live, Bank balance and Fear of the name…should never become less). Seems a bit over the top, but it was exactly what I liked. A loveable yet a dreaded gangster.
Given that the whole movie is full of dialoguebaazi, the ones I liked the most are below:
1. “Agar main hero ban gaya toh meri pehchaan bura maan jayegi” (If I became a hero, my identity won’t like it). When Akshay is told that he can be a hero in life, in he wants to.
2. In chamakte huye pathar ko dekh kar auratein maaf kar deti hain, Shohaib nahi. (Women accept apologies when given diamonds, not me) Akshay is not amused when one of his men produces looted diamonds as reason for his coming late.
3. Aam admi aam ki tarah hote hain, koi unhe kha jata hai ya koi unhe choos leta hai. (Common men are like Mango, some eat them, others suck them)
4. Dafan toh sabne hona hai ek din…jeete ji dab gaya toh jeena mitti hai. (Everyone has to be buried one day…if I get buried alive (under fear), then life is useless)
5. Waah re waah, uski maa ka bharosa! (Wow! O Wow! Her mother’s trust). It’s a play of words. Bharosa if misspelt makes a choicest of expletive.
6. Pyaar mein aadmi cutting chai jaisa hota hai, na pyaas bujhti hai, na mann bharta hai. (In love, man is like a half cup of tea, neither it satisfies thirst, nor it makes us feel good)
7. Aadmi toh auraton ke hote hai…tujhe zinda chod diya toh sharafat bura maan jayegi! (Men belong to Women…if I leave you alive, good will feel bad.) When a gang member begs for his life, reminding Akshay that he is his own man.
8. Shoaib toh pyaar se pyaar bhi nahi karta! (Shoaib doesn’t even make love with love).
9. Aathana dalke do kaudi ki dhamki koi bhi de sakta hai (Anyone can put a 50 paise in a payphone, and utter a worthless threat)
Movie threatres went a step ahead. I saw the below sign at the snack counter, beneath the OUATIMD poster.
10. Popcorn nahin liya toh picture bura maan jaayegi. (If you don’t take popcorn, movie will feel bad)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Cardinal Sin and The Twisted Ankle

After a tiring day in Kolkata, me and a friend of mine decided to catch the late night show of Once upon a Time in Mumbai Dobara. We enquired about a theatre near our hotel and caught a ride.
I was standing in the ticket queue when something caught my eye. I don’t really know what it was, Was it the Smile, Was it the Innocence, Was it the Eyes, Was it the Dress. I just kept looking unaware of the world. There was this girl in green, with the Smile that puts Mona Lisa to shame, with the Innocence that defies this world, with the Eyes that penetrates the heart. It took me a while to realize she was with a guy and took a while more to realize that she was recently married, given the prominent Mehandi on her hands.
She was ahead of me in the queue, I bought the tickets and went inside. I lined up to buy some popcorn and there she was again, in the same queue. I was struggling hard not to gaze at her, given the consequences that could result in. The movie ended sometime later. I caught a glimpse of her during the interval. She was not just with her husband, but with full family.
Show got over at around 2 in the night. I strolled to the exit. There she was with her family. Perhaps my last chance to look at her. My friend had stopped a taxi and called out to me. I walked towards the taxi but kept looking sideways gazing her.
Just then I felt a jolt and fell down with an excruciating pain. I hadn’t noticed that I was crossing over from high footpath on to a low road. I had mis-stepped and badly twisted my ankle. I saw her getting into a car and fading away. For moment the pain stopped along with the time. As she went away the pain came back and I could see my friend bent over laughing.
If she was Eve, I just paid my dues for the Cardinal sin of Lust.

Freebies are Fishy: The lure of the missing handle

I have always been taught, if you are getting a good bargain, be cautious. There is nothing like free lunches. An advertisement by a leading telecom operator goes like, “It feels good when you get something extra”. I couldn’t agree more. But it is this good feeling that shrouds our judgment and tricks us.
More often than not you will find the devil disguised as an angel to lure you. If something seems too good, take extra precautions. There is a good chance that it will bite you.
This weekend I was in Kolkata for some urgent matter. I was to take an early morning flight back. As it happened, I twisted my ankle and was in no shape to reach the airport without help. A friend of mine, who was leaving the night before, dropped me at the airport in night itself. So I was there at airport at 12 am for a 6 am flight.
Slowly the exhaustion started to get better of me and I felt like lying down. There are no recliners like T3 at Kolkata airport, just a stack of chairs with separating handles. There is no way you can combine chairs to make a bed (have been my habit since college days, whenever I worked late in lab/office).
Something magical happened next or so I thought! Even with my twisted ankle and drowsy mind, I was able to notice an abnormality amidst one stack of chairs. One of the separating handle was not there. It combined two chairs. I galloped over there and was thrilled. I lied down. Peace. I remember before falling asleep, few people coming over to figure out how I managed to lie down and also remember their begrudged faces when they realized it’s by sheer luck. And so I slept.
Sleep I tell you is the sweetest thing, at the same time it can be the damnest. I slept and slept and slept. By some quirk of fate, I woke up and checked the time. Was it 5:35 already? Or was it a dream? No it was real. I was about to miss my flight. With my broken leg, I ran to collect my boarding pass. I was the last one. They took pity on me coz of my leg. I breezed through the security check and ran towards the boarding gate. Last and final call was going on for last 10 mins. Excited, I failed to locate the boarding gate. Trouble! I was on the wrong floor. I took the escalator down and skidded to the gate. It seemed so far away! Someone from the airlines staff realized my sorry state and came over to assist me. I was the last one to board.
Had it been 15-20 mins more of sleep, I would have missed my flight. Given my budget constraints of late, it wouldn’t have been a good thing.
Anyways the devil disguised as the lone missing handle lured me in and had almost had me. Next time when you feel special, beware! Someone might just have dialed 666.