Elections have proven to be a great leveler once again. Political pundits were left scrambling for the reasons behind by-election debacle of BJP. That it has happened three times in a row makes it all too noteworthy.
What can be the reason? Well I can think of few.
First is the ever thinning patience of the voters which I mentioned few days ago. People want corruption free, polarization free, appeasement free development. When General elections were fought on these principles, it paid. When assembly by-elections were fought otherwise, the party had to pay the price.
Next is the Modi wave or lack of? Modi didn’t campaign. Second rung firebrand leaders were at the center of it all. Had he campaigned, things would have been different. Also his silence on his party’s not so subtle forays of late, seem to have irked junta. Nobody wants another Manmohan. Hope these results instill some sense and for good.
Loss could also be attributed to the dearth of local stars. We haven’t had anyone of Rajnath’s stature in UP politics ever since he moved to Centre. It did hurt this time.
To put it in one word, it’s Arrogance. They started speaking the language of the ousted Government soon after taking power. Following the footsteps of the previous Govt in Governor issue, Less than honest means for Govt formation in Delhi and sting thereof, flaring communal tensions in UP, hiding behind norms and institutions, were few of such things.
If they need to survive, they must gain back public confidence. It can’t be earned by acting smart and by being arrogant. People see through it. Next time you try and hoodwink public, know this, we ain’t no fool no more.
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