The period when you put down your papers in the firm and till you join the next firm is quite unique. In fact there is scope of detailed study into it. Since I have passed the said period recently, lets try and give it a closer look.
How professional you are, decides the amount of work you do during the notice period. I have seen people idling away; I have seen people working hard to give handover; I have seen people settling scores; I have seen people being just normal. Last bit is the most difficult. Employee characteristics tend to change once he/she enters the notice period. I suggest one should keep sanity. But it’s easier said than done.
Almost everyone leave due to a better opportunity. But the reason behind looking for one in the first place decides the behavior. Easiest are the ones who leave just for the pay hike and no other reason. They were happy with the work, work environment, current management, peers and everything about the firm in general. Basic traits include being themselves; trying to finish the pending tasks at normal speed and working towards handover of the project. Management mostly try their best to retain such people by making a counter offer and promises. Chances are high that they agree to remain with the firm.
Next are the people who were not happy with the work given, but had no issues with the manager and peers in general. They seem disinterested with the project during the notice period and just do the bare minimum that too when specifically asked. They remain cordial with everyone and try and chillax. Basic traits include coming late to office, remaining away from the desk, lurking in the breakouts, sweating out in the gym. You get the gist. Management try and offer them change of project/team. They are less probable to go with the managements offer.
The next category is the most dangerous. They have had issues with the manager/management/project and had to look out ’cause of it. They feel aggrieved and forced to leave the job. For them putting down the papers is nothing less than relief. Then begins settling the scores. Work for them comes last. They skip meetings, handovers are a formality, try and irk people around as often as they can. Nothing can force them to finish the pending tasks, which more often than not are left incomplete. They could be found venting out their anger in front of peers; egging others to leave the godforsaken firm too. Mostly no counter offer is advanced to these people.
Depending on the seniority of the last category of people, the concept of garden leave has been implemented by employers. Such people are sent on forced leave for the entire notice period or are sometimes immediately relieved of the job.
I won’t admit to what category I belonged to but can safely say that I have had some fruitful years with the firm and have left with more friends than I had earlier.
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