Getting bored sans interesting company during my recent train journey, I took a pen and paper and decided to write. I realized that it’s been a long time since I wrote something considerable using pen and paper. In fact with e-transfers in vogue, I barely sign my cheque these days.
There were times when one thought of no alternative to felling trees for paper. Today laptop/computer is increasingly replacing it. I remember getting scolded for bad hand writing. I guess I turned out to be pretty far sighted coz these days it hardly matters. No matter how permanent things seems they are essentially temporary.
Horses/Bullocks pulled passenger carts for the longest time. They have become almost extinct today from cities and villages alike.
Oil was drilled for the first time around 150 years ago. No one knew then that we had only 250 years of this fuel on earth. We took it to be permanent. Every other thing started running on oil. Now that it is about to run out, new form of yet another temporary nuclear energy is already here.
Similar are the phases of life. Good and Bad. It is said that good thing about bad time is that it is temporary. I used to get tensed at most trivial things during early years of my life. It took me some time to understand the futility of it. To control it.
During the bad times, one needs to stop being short sighted. Say you are tensed about your exam results. Try and think of the time 6 months from now. Will you be alive? Yes. Will you be fine? Yes. Ease yourself. Never take tension. Take action. You can’t alter the result of the exam. Better stop worrying. It you worry for now, you will worry for ever.
Likewise it’s futile to sulk over the mistakes committed in the past. What’s important is what one learns from them. Mistakes committed are in a temporary moment. What one learns from them remains permanently in life.